
Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas at Casablanca

Sorry this post took a while but here is the holiday home tour (finally)!
Dining Room

These cute trees are from ikea, same with the pots.  I already had the wreaths that fit perfectly around the base of the pots, I also added wreaths to the backs of the dining room chairs.

For the Kitchen hood I added a small berry garland and this framed printable.

The hutch didn't change much from last year - I just added the white glitter stars to each shelf and filled the red bowl on the top shelf with green and silver ornaments.


I swapped out my normal pictures for Christmasy ones with red mats.  Below I found this cute angel door knocker at Home Goods and hung it above the kitchen arch entrance, I think it's so cute- I'll probably leave it up year round!

For my clock collection I just added a couple of Christmas sprigs (from Hobby Lobby) to the top of the black clock, total cost was just $1.50!

Living Room.  For the First time in my adult life I have a mantel for our Christmas Stockings!  I used command hooks to hang them then put a green ribbon garland across the top of the mantel.

I just folded the ribbon back and forth then used a needle to thread fishing line through the whole thing so it doesn't unravel.


 Last year I hung garland from these two entryway arches and loved the look but not the garland!  This year I went with fake garland (it looks pretty real though).  I tried hanging it with command hooks but they couldn't handle the weight so I ended up putting nails in the wall, I'm hoping I won't regret that!

Sorry I don't know where the garland is from otherwise I would share that info!  I happened to see it in a store as part of their Christmas decorations and asked where they had bought it so I could get some and they said they would just sell me theirs!  Score!

 For more information about my Christmas Decor click Here.


  1. Hi Amy!

    I just love your Xmas decor.... I love your style in general. Keep on blogging because I enjoy reading about your home/projects. I own a white house too -- Dutch Colonial.... an older home that I've been slowing updating in similar color scheme/style as yours. Imitation is the greatest form of flattery!

    Happy Holidays!
    -Karen from WI

  2. Love it! Especially all the little touches... they make a huge impact! Great job!
