I wanted a desk for my sons room so headed to the thrift store to see what I could find. I ended up bringing this lovely laminate piece home for just $20. My only advice when looking for used furniture is always give it a good shake to make sure it is sturdy!
You can paint laminate pieces of furniture just like wood pieces. One added benefit is that laminate pieces general don't have a lot of gouges or scratches that need to be sanded out. I did run sand paper over the whole piece before painting it, just to make sure the paint gripped well but it didn't require too much elbow grease. I followed these great tips for painting laminate furniture found at Centsational Girl.
Once the paint was finished and fully cured I used this stuff to give it a nice clear protective coat. I love that this stuff comes in a spray can now!
Here it is sporting a lovely coat of Benjamin Moore's "Hale Navy"
and some new hardware from Hobby lobby.