I just finished the boys bedroom and am very happy with the results.
Here is the before
The inspiration for this room is the picture in the post below. Now you all know my secret - I'm not good at at decorating just copying!

The blue focal wall is Benjamin Moore "Newburyport Blue" and the tan on the rest of the walls is Glidden's "Scroll Beige." I found the brackets for the shelf at Lowes, they were a little over $6 a piece (unfortunately this 10 foot long shelf needed to have one on every mdf grid line so it added up!). If I had planned a little better I could have made the shelf attach to the wall some other way and just used a couple brackets for "looks." The 10 ft. board for the shelf is a 7 foot wide mdf piece from Home depot that cost $9. So the shelf added up to almost $50 (ouch) but it looks cute. Add the shelf to the $60 spent on mdf for the grid and the total for the focal wall is just over $100. Personally I think it looks like a million bucks though!

I love the contrast of the white on that dark blue, so pretty. I was tempted after doing this room to redo my whole basement around the navy blue and white color scheme (especially since it would look good with brown wood tones and leather). Maybe some day! For more information on how we did the trim work on the blue grid wall click
Thanks for posting this! My son inherited a white bed, and it's not frilly, but I didn't know how I was going to manage white in a boys room. I was picturing a blue bed frame. However, I don't want to paint the bed frame, so I think I will paint the wall! Great idea!